Red Light Body Contouring

It’s all about the wavelengths.

Different wavelengths penetrate the body at different levels and give different benefits.

When choosing red light for body contouring, wave lengths are important.

Numerous scientific studies have explored the relationship between wavelength and the efficacy of LLLT (low level light therapy) for fat reduction.

The precision of the 640 nm (red) wavelength offers immediate fat loss results, and the minimal number of treatments required to make the Celluma Contour the go-to choice for individuals looking to sculpt their bodies and shed unwanted fat.

About Fat Cells

Did you know you have the same number of fat cells for the remainder of your life after adolescence? In fact the average person has about 30-50 billion fat cells.

Under a microscope, fat cells look like clusters of grapes or a bunch of water balloons. When you lose weight via diet, exercise, or LLLT sessions such as the Celluma Contour, the fat (triglycerides) just simply drains out of the fat cells and is picked up by the lymphatic system where it is eliminated from the body as water, waste, and carbon dioxide.

How Does Red Light Therapy Help With Fat Loss?

Low level light therapy tricks the fat cells into opening up and draining contents, triglycerides, and intracellular lipids.

As these fats and lipids drain out of the fat cells, this results in the fat cells collapsing in size, and this results in the client losing inches, weight, and becoming smaller in size. (see graphic below)

photo depicting fat cells leaking triglycerides and lipids and shrinking in size.

What are the findings of research on LED light therapy for body sculpting?

In a thorough investigationĀ¹ documented in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, individuals subjected to light therapy for body contouring saw an average reduction of 2.5 inches in targeted areas following only eight sessions. These results underscore the efficacy of red and near-infrared light therapy as a feasible option for individuals seeking a non-invasive and medication-free route to body sculpting.

The effectiveness of LED light therapy in targeting fat cells is evident from clinical studies.

In observational research, participants witnessed tangible outcomes following a single 30-minute treatment session. Over a span of four weeks, with three 30-minute sessions per week, participants achieved an average reduction of 2 inches in waist circumference and 1 inch in thigh circumference.